Fantasy/Sci-Fi Art and Illustrations, Fine Art, Tutorials
Battle for Oz
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I am colouring interior and cover art for Pirate Press LLC who are about to release their first book, Battle for Oz. That's right - Frank L. Baum's Oz world, created with Savage Worlds rules and published by Savage Mojo.
This is a card template for a Dungeon Master presenting his players with magic items in play. There are several colour options for the frames and corners.
For the upcoming game Hell's Arena, this infographic of hell depicts the nine circles according to Dante's timeless masterwork, the Divine Comedy. The premise was to make it informative but keep it gritty and maybe look for a new way of doing it, so I chose to make the circles themselves the tortured souls - I really had to switch off all empathy reading the punishments, being kept in burning coffins, torn apart and eaten, being incinerated and resurrected into eternity - but according to Dante, it's all fair. Who knows. I looked at a lot of Keith Thompson's work for inspiration, and drew it with pencils on A3 paper before colouring it digitally.
While I didn't manage nearly as many daily (or should it be often?) environment sketches as the previous year, I still made some. Here are a few of my favourites. Working in bulk is beneficial in several ways; it makes one feel less unproductive when they are piling up, one can get short ideas out quickly, and on the improvement side, doing many of a kind both trains doing it well, and shows up weaknesses. Later I repainted several of them in acrylics to get the hang of landscapes better, because it seems I do more landscapes digitally and more portraits traditionally. Almost all in different formats because I had precut papers I wanted to use up. If you're intereted, some are available in my Etsy shop . "Why are they calling it Fish Falls if the fish don't fall? They jump." - "Jumping is upside-down falling. They just thought a three-word name would be too complicated to remember." They said that ages ago there had been four-legged, furry animals t...
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