Mock film posters - Descriptions

After discussing it with watchers on deviantArt, here are the film descriptions, as they were written from the perspective of the sci-fi rpg character, who is into hilarious musicals and action films:

A zombies/vampires/werewolves musical with an amount of social entanglements worthy of any opera, and death under the full moon. The rock songs inspired by Russian choirs, and the famous costumes (most notably the holographic "nightmare" hairdo of the female lead) create the charme of this movie with a very foreseeable plot.

Jinx'd - This is all your fault
The comedy Jinx'd plays with the famous rules of Col. Murphy. The worst always does happen, and the characters "jinx" events by anticipating them ("The worst now wold be if the train broke down." Squeeeeaaak.)
A treasure of the crowdfunding community with an incredible number of quote-worthy last words.

The Pharaoh Bank
A clever heist film with known actors in unexpected side roles. The famous Pharaoh Bank of the Arab Alliance is robbed, and the finale is of course different than expected; state officials of the Alliance felt wrongly pictured, putting the film on the index.

∞ Becquerel: Ground Zero
Speak: Infinite Becquerel. The film - as well as its prequels, Infinite Becquerel: True Faith and Infinite Becquerel: Ray of Black - are based on a franchise with comics, games, and a large cosplay community.
In a post-nuclear wasteland, clans, tribes, and religions of different grades of insanity fight each other on the way to the Marduk Machine that promises salvation, which has not been found in the many plot strings from different viewpoints. It's rumoured that the film after the next, with the working title Infinite Becquerel: Unveiling, would show the finding, but this is still wildly debated in the forums.
Current fan favourite is the webisode Infinite Becquerel: Day off, in which an extra, an illiterate but streetwise tribe bully, has a day off and does what he likes best: making people into pieces of people.

You and Me and the Browning makes 3 tonight
The title is a tribute to a swing song from the 20th century, and hot jazz music accompanies a couple consisting of a con-man and a thief on their hunt for an antique firearm.
The mishaps of the con-man are legendary as his silver tongue turns to lead with his girlfriend, as is the moustrap of a homeless lady that she carries in her pocket against thieves; it cost the thief her finger, which has to be cybernetically substituted, and she bears a comically oversized grudge because of it. The song lyrics describe, in the language of the 1940ies, the current developments on screen.

Get Baiyo
The blackhumoured action film Get Baiyo has inspired a fashion style as well as many quotes particularly in MinoFrench music.
The underworld of a nondescript planet is teeming with bizarre figures, whose plans altogether have been foiled by a certain Baiyo - from drug trafficking to tax evasion, and everyone knows it was her. Meanwhile, Baiyo never enters the picture, and the mad, overlapping chases across the planet provoked storms of laughter and the adult rating. Finally all crooks are down, and in one curt sentence the local police outs itself as the creator of the entirely fictional Baiyo.

Explosives, five burnt spies of different agencies, explosives, diamonds, and explosives. What more could one want. C12 made the gesture "pushing an explosive remote with the thumb" popular again in times of wireless neurolink transmissions.

The Crown of Gishimin / Kanmuri no Gishimin
Gishimin, the fantastical realm of the South, can only be reclaimed by the rightful king if he owns the holy crown. A group of adventurers overcomes many obstacles to find it. The groupd dynamic and combat scenes of this seven-hour-long film giant has thrilled fans for decades. A brilliant ten-part film series for TV further details events only found in dialogue lines in the main movie.


  1. When I saw the posters on deviantArt, I thought I would like to see a couple of these movies. Now I think I want to see even more, maybe even all of them! These are great!

    I like the way you've also tied them into the character and the setting. There's some interesting world-building going on here, and the descriptions really establish the personality of the geeky fan who wrote them. Nice work!

    1. Honestly, I could do without the Sanguinees movie, that sounds just terrible. Like Underworld, but with singing...
      I really love making short summaries of stories. Firstly they always sound more intersting when condensed into few sentences, and they are so little work for so much fun. I have tons of ideas for comics, films, games, and worlds lying around, snippets of books and character staffs, I'd need several lifetimes to detail them.
      Thanks a lot, my group likes the movies as well, and the characters are doing movie nights with everyone else bringing something, and the crew's aliens learning something valuable about human cultures ;)

  2. Yeah, I'm not really a fan of musicals, but I'd probably watch it if someone else had it on.

    You're right, summaries do have a way of making things sound more interesting. It's like you're distilling everything you love about a movie into one little paragraph, so it's like concentrated awesomeness. It can be hard for the actual movie to live up to the hype.

    I'm glad you and your players are having fun with it. Sounds like a great time!

    1. "Concentrated awesomeness" - I like it. I think I'll keep on making these posters and film descriptions, but for now the flash is over and I only wanted to post those that have both - there are many more films but without anything to look at. The character might do well with some favourite bands, though, now that I think of it...


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