Forest Spirit

I sat and admired Vanessa Lemen's ability of finding shapes, and wanted to try it. The canvas I used had gone wrong because the paper buckled when I mounted it, but I kept it for an occasion like this. I thought it might be interesting to use the folds, but it was more trouble than it was worth.
I started in portrait orientation with a vague idea of sun above and something green below, then turned the canvas sideways and made it a forest-like scenery. Eventually the figure emerged in the middle; the dark shape behind it turned into an ent-like being, holding her, while ink blown with a drinking straw became branches coming out of her.
At that point I decided to end the experiment. I kinda like how it worked, although I feel I should have taken it to a more finished level. Next time, I'll start much lighter, and less saturated, to have room to maneuver. The most annoying part was waiting for the thing to dry, as I tend to work hastily but very wet, and even acrylics don't dry that fast (and I guess that's why Mrs. Lemen has a studio filled with drying paintings).
I then put up with trying to photograph it - to no avail - and then scanned it in several pieces and used Photoshop photomerge tool and camera RAW filter. This is faaairly similar to the original.


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