Map Creation I

I wanted to share some of the things I thought you might find useful for the creation of fantasy maps. The examples are from my own fantasy world "Genius Loci".

First things first: Decide how the world will look, and how big the map will be, geographically. If you are creating an entire world like I am, start with the continents. The very first layout can be however messy you want, but then get some large paper (the line sketch is on A3. I already marked some major topographical landmarks).

Mark the general shape of the continent lightly with a pencil, then draw the land. Just wiggle your pen while you make your way around the landmass. Don't forget interesting shapes, like bays, islands, peninsulas, and so forth. It doesn't have to work all at once; you can go over the outlines as many times as you need until you're satisfied. I imagine there to be a much larger amount of islands later, but these are as small as I want to see on this scale.

I trace the contours of the continent with a .3 pigmented pen and add the inner borders with a .1 pen, on architect's vellum. I already know the states and lands with name and position from an earlier map. But, the continent is also very dry and covered in deserts. So, I rip off another piece of vellum, and using a blue marker lay down the rivers and water bodies. Around these, I arrange the states. Now everyone has access to water, which is one of the most important factors for settlements.

Write down a list of your states. Learn a little geology - how do mountains affect vegetation, which path do weather phenomena take and such. It will probably influence your world.


  1. Wow... your ideas are really amazing! I found your website through deviantArt, and I just wanted to comment here that your artwork for Genius Loci is very stunning! It seems like a vast world full of many secrets and adventures.

    Are you planning on making all of this into a story or artbook or something? It would be so interesting if you did!

    Cheers, and keep up the amazing work~


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