
Showing posts from August, 2015

Threadless: Jellyzilla

Threadless is a printing company/community where proposed designs for t-shirts, hoodies, or phone cases, among other products, are rated. Best rated makes it into print and will be available for purchase. This is my latest design submitted to Threadless. I'd be happy about your vote - and Threadless is worth checking out in any case! Find my design on Threadless here:

The new signature

I had been working on creating a new signature for my work for a while. Simply writing my name on a piece of artwork was too simple, and a well-designed signature is useful for sooo many things - signature, business cards, stamps, logos, who knows what sorts of project I will come up with. The needs I had were: that it should fit the touch and feel of my body of work, and be easy to write by hand. For the latter, elaborate writings or curves, exact proportions, let alone any actual graphics, forbid themselves. Additionally, while I would have been happy with a proper monogram (like Albrecht Dürer), the asymmetrical J is devlishly tricky to use that way. Finally, after much picking, throwing out, rethinking, and refining, I proudly present my new signature. May it last long.

The King's Demise

Rather random piece of space art, done after work to relax. Nebulae come in different flavours; this is a supernova remnant nebula. And amino acids have been found in space nebulae - quite complex molecules that are just a few steps down from DNA. Maybe space monsters are real after all.