
Showing posts from August, 2017

Rhoenoak Artworks

New illustrations for John Enitsu's Rhoenoak novels.

Fallout X-01 Power Armor Re-design

[english - deutsch unten] Fallout Enclave X-01 Power Armor Re-design. Done for a client who was aiming for a series over time, showing a progression of engineers from the D.C. Wasteland on a more mecha-styled side. I had no idea about that from the job offer, and it was quite the challenge, since mecha isn't exactly my forte ;) But I learned a bit, and appreaciate the Power Armor even more. Although I was personally always partial to the Outcast Power Armor. [deutsch] Ein Redesign der Power-Armor-Rüstung aus Fallout. Der Kunde wollte eine zeitliche Entwicklung zeigen, wie Ödland-Ingenieure die Rüstung mit mehr Mecha-Flair weiter entwickeln würden. Das hatte ich aus der Jobanzeige nicht geahnt und so war es eine ziemliche Herausforderung, weil Mechas eigentlich nicht gerade mein Ding sind ;) Aber die Arbeit daran war cool, und ich schätze die Rüstung jetzt noch mehr; obwohl ich immer eine Vorliebe für die Rüstung der Ausgestoßenen hatte (und vermutlich habe ich alle Namen gr

The Kraftpaper series, 4

Prints of all sixteen are available on Curioos or Inprnt: [english - deutsch unten] The final four images from the Kraftpaper series, sixteen altogether. They will be available as originals, of course, and I think the best print option is one gigantic piece with all of them in it - I'll let you know how that works out. For now, it's very satisfying to see so many piecs together, makes me feel like I actually got something done for a change ;) On the fingertips. "Eine Geschichte aus den Fingern saugen", to suck a story from their fingers, is something journalists are accused of when they blow boring news out of proportion. Wrack your brains. "Kopfzerbrechen", to break one's head, is a lack of ideas or options how to handle a situation. Butterflies. Butterflies in the stomach are universal for those in love, it seems. Buttone

The Kraftpaper series, 3

[english] Continuing the kraftpaper drawings, here are numbers nine to twelve. I'm running out of patterned papers I like ;) and out of ideas. But you know how it is - once you make it past the blockade, ideas will start pouring back in, probably when I'm done with the sixteenth drawing, and they will all sound better and more interesting than the ones I so far... All thumbs. In German, you don't cross fingers, but press your thumbs. More can never hurt. Firmly rooted. Self-explanatory. Keep you mouth shut. You have to "hold your mouth" in German. Viola. Injured eyes aren't black but blue in German, and are also called a "Veilchen". [deutsch] Weiter geht's mit der Kraftpaper-Serie, hier sind Nummer Neun bis Zwölf. Allmählich gehen mir die hübschen Muster aus ;) und die Ideen. Aber man kennt das ja - ist die Blockade erst überwunden, fallen einem all die Ideen ein die man gern vorher schon gehabt hätte... Daumendrücken. So hab ich

10 000 Miles by BlackMagicWolf Productions

[english] And another KS campaign just launched which I took part in. BlackMagicWolf Productions' "10000 Miles" comic book tells the story of two brothers building a digging machine to make it all the way to China, using the shortcut through the Earth. I provided imagery for the campaign, not the book itself. See more here: [deutsch] Und noch eine Kickstarterkampagne ist gerade angelaufen an der ich mitgearbeitet habe; "10000 Miles" von BlackMagicWolf Productions ist ein Comic über zwei Brüder, die eine Grabmaschine bauen um damit nach China zu kommen - durch die Abkürzung, schnurstracks durch die Erde. Ich habe Bilder für die Kampagne geliefert, nicht für das Buch selbst. Lest mehr hier:

Captain Firebeard and the Bay of Crows

[english] ... is a visual novel by Sapphire Dragon Productions, a pirate comdey with cool minigames, I'm told. I provided the backgrounds for the story, and they have now launched their Kickstarter campaign: Go take a look, and find more of their games on steam [deutsch] Dieses Visual Novel hat jetzt seine Kickstarter-Kampagne begonnen. Produzent Sapphire Dragon Productions hat sich damit eine Piratenkomödie ausgedacht, die wie ich höre auch noch coole Minigames enthält. Falls Ihr nicht so gerne auf Englisch spielt, werden als weitere Finanzierungsziele auch zusätzliche Sprachen angeboten, also sagt auch allen Euren Freunden Bescheid :) Die Kampagne gibt es hier: und Ihr könnte bisher erschienene Spiele von Sapphire Dragon

The Kraftpaper series

I like the name Kraftpaper. It's apparently a joke of the English word craft, with K, but there's also a thing called Kraftpapier, a sturdy brown paper not unlike the one to wrap parcels in. I bought a block of this funny paper and use it for drawing of phrase puns and surreal subjects because I've recently been sketching a lot of them. Here are the first four. All are 30,5cm square, wallpaint and inks. Shed your skin. The German expression "aus der Haut fahren", bursting out of one's skin, means to be so angry one practically changes one's personality. Hearty. Self-explanatory. Although I did have to make it a zombie instead of the skeleton I drew intially, because the skin between index fingre and thumb is integral to the heart shape. Earmark. The German expression "hinter die Ohren schreiben", to write something down behind one's ears, means to make damn sure to never again forget something. It's said to people, they don't say